Where Is The Edge Of An Infinite Heart?
/An Infinite Heart Has No Edge
Questions abound.
Can we love to the ends of the Universe?
Can our hearts soar wide enough?
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
To hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.”
What Is The Infinite Heart Of Love?
Can we see every drop of existence and find the hidden passageway to its heart of love?
Can we fully know, beyond the limits of the mind, the exquisite light and healing love within every nano-molecule of existence?
Is this heart of love even within a grain of sand?
Let’s answer this with a resounding yes. These photos show the wonders that Dr. Gary Greenberg* discovered at the microscopic level in the sand on our beaches.
Flight Within The Inner Realms
Flying on this planet is so three-dimensional.
Flight within the realms of the inner planes is multi-dimensional. An inner journey is so vast and incomprehensible at our small human level, that it compels us to plop down right where we stand.
Our feet are whisked right out from under us in the wonder of it all.
Can we break these surly bonds without the aid of a flying machine?
Surly Bonds Will Not Contain Us
Off we go on your path of discovery into the infinite heart.
Let's meet each other there.
*photos by Dr. Greenberg used with permission