The Beauty Of Dawn

The Quiet Beauty Of Dawn

Early to rise, the lingering darkness of night surrounds you. A faint lightening of the horizon tells you dawn is on its way.

A hush is felt with this awakening, you whisper so as not to disturb small creatures as they begin to stir. No need to holler or yell, anticipation tucks its paws under and quietly waits.

A Poem By Rumi

You're grateful to be awake so early this morning and even more pleased that you're up and outside already. This rarefied moment rolls within you as if the beginning of time is calling your name.

It brings to mind the poem by Rumi. You have no desire to go back to sleep. The words play silently on your lips. Don't go back to sleep. 

No, sleep is out of the question. Not because you can't, but because you don't want to sleep. Not now, not while you stand witness to an awakening.

Dawn Spills Across The Sky

Gathering momentum, dawn spills across the sky scattering pigments across miles of space. It's the promise of a sun that has come to warm us, to bring us to life.

A sun upon which we are utterly dependent. When the sun snuffs out, the Earth will expire with it.

Today, however, such thoughts are whisked away on threads of pink clouds and evaporate in a brightening sky.

Let’s lift our hearts in the wonder of our fragile existence and in the strength of our courage to face another day. For this day we have been given.

Let’s savor the gift.

Today is here. Today is now. Today we rejoice at another dawn.

Diamonds Of Your Heart

From Pebbles To Diamonds

A rock or a diamond?

We all know that diamonds are simply a type of rock to which we have assigned great monetary value. And, we think they’re pretty.

Industrial Diamonds

Diamonds have also been adapted for many uses because of the material's exceptional physical characteristics, so they are utilitarian for industrial applications.

Diamond is the hardest known natural material on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, where hardness is defined as resistance to scratching and is graded between 1 (softest) and 10 (hardest).
Diamond has a hardness of 10 (hardest) on this scale and is four times harder than corundum, 9 Mohs.
Diamond’s hardness has been known since antiquity.

Diamonds are extremely effective at polishing, cutting, and drilling.

Many industries – including automotive, mining, and military – use diamond saws and drills. Small diamond particles are added to drill bits and saw edges to make them more powerful for cutting tough materials.

So, we agree a diamond is a pretty rock and it even serves a useful function, but does it really have any romantic value?

Diamonds As A Declaration Of Love

The question as to the intrinsic value of diamonds in romance is a matter for debate. Viewing diamonds as a worthy romantic statement is examined in this article that claims we’ve all been brainwashed.

Like Pavlov’s dogs, we’ve been conditioned to believe that diamonds are a declaration of love. All part of a wildly successful marketing scheme by De Beers and Madison Avenue.

It started around 1938 when a study, paid for by De Beers, revealed that men were the ones buying diamonds for engagement rings. However, sales were low after The Depression. Another problem was that many prosperous women didn’t want them while others wanted to put their money in a better investment. Lower income groups simply couldn’t afford them.

Marketing Diamonds

The big question loomed. How to increase sales for something that people did not want and could not afford?

Since “young men buy over 90% of all engagement rings” it would be crucial to inculcate in them the idea that diamonds were a gift of love: the larger and finer the diamond, the greater the expression of love. Similarly, young women had to be encouraged to view diamonds as an integral part of any romantic courtship.

In 1947, N.W. Ayer, the advertising agency hired by De Beers, invented the slogan “A Diamond is Forever.” Having that diamond engagement ring became a sign of never-ending love.

The De Beers marketing machine... circulated marketing materials suggesting, apropos of nothing, that a man should spend one month’s salary on a diamond ring. It worked so well that De Beers arbitrarily decided to increase the suggestion to two months salary.
That’s why you think that you need to spend two month’s salary on a ring — because the suppliers of the product said so.

The diamond ring became a symbol of personal family success. Like a waving flag to show-off one’s socio-economic achievement, the big diamond on a wife’s finger reflected a man’s success in life.

For many years, a simple wedding band sufficed as a declaration of commitment and marriage. Further in the past, clothing used to indicate marital status. Perhaps it’s time to let go of the notion that the size of a diamond on a ring indicates your self-worth or the value of your love. Are you ready yet to forego the diamond?

Diamond Songs

One of the iconic diamond songs is Diamonds Are Forever from the 1971 James Bond movie of the same title. It plays with the marketing theme of diamonds being forever, but tosses the love and keeps the diamonds.

Spiral Diamond Necklace

As we run off in search of riches and jewels, we are reminded:

You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!
— Rumi

Students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) have a wonderful technique to support them to find these treasures hidden in their hearts.

The use of TRT® hands-on, Radiant Touch®, supports our journey to greater awareness and lights up our path along the way, making it easier to find the real diamonds of the heart.

And, if you own some diamonds, you can hold them in your hands and direct radiant energy to them to get in touch with their journey from pebble to diamond, enhancing the light within them.